Countermind Customer Wins Another Award

For the second year in a row, National Association of County & City Health Officials (NACCHO) has recognized Denver Public Health, this time as Large Local Health Department of the Year citing its “strong vision and commitment to use information technology to improve thenhealth of Denver residents.”  The award specifically cites HANDI (which stands for Hand-held Automated Notification for Drugs and Immunizations), a mobile point of care solution based on Countermind’s MI Clinic, as one of its innovative uses of technology.  The award announcement states, “The HANDI system uses a three-step process to collect data: (1) patient registration; (2) medicalncontraindication; and (3) vaccination information. In the first step, the patient is registered using an“sled” scanner attached to the mobile device. The scanner reads the magnetic stripe or barcode that isnfound on driver’s licenses, employee ID’s, or other forms of identification and stores that information onnthe device. If the identification card is not readable or available, the information may be hand-enteredninto the device. Any additional information can be updated at this point too. An identification barcode isnprinted using a portable printer and the person is sent to the next station. At the next station, thenhealthcare worker scans the barcode, bringing up the patient record, and the app collects medicalninformation. Next, the vaccination is administered and the app scans information identifying the lotnnumber, dosage, and vaccination site. The process is fast, efficient, and effective at capturing all of thennecessary vaccination information.”  

Congratulations to Denver Public Health!

Read the full announcement at

You can also read about it on Denver Public Health’s news page at
